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Institutions temporary closed for typhoon

Due to typhoon No. 10, the following institutions will be temporary closed on August 30-31, 2024.


Awa-Ikeda Tobacco Museum (阿波池田うだつの家たばこ資料館)
Heike Yashiki Museum of Folklore 平家屋敷民俗資料館
Higashi-Iya Museum of Local History and Folklore 東祖谷歴史民俗資料館
The Nagaoka Family House 長岡家住宅
Asa House of ancient Heike warriors 平家屋敷 阿佐家住宅
Bukeyashiki-Kita Clan (Old samurai residence) 武家屋敷旧喜多家
Ryugugake Tourist Center 龍宮崖案内所
Rest Area Oboke and Lapis Oboke 道の駅大歩危 妖怪屋敷と石の博物館

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