Yamashiro district is steeped in many mysterious legends and is the home of Konaki-Jijii, whose story was first introduced in the book called “The hobgoblins” by Kunio Yanagida, the founder of Society of Japanese folklore in 1938. This statue was created in 25 November 2001 and stands in the Fujinosato Park. Its model is from first volume of comic series, which Shigeru Mizuki wrote based on the Yanagida's story.
A Heike Clan mansion where Tairano Kunimori, a Heike warrior, who had fled from the battle field settled. Its architecture is so unusual that it was designated as a tangible cultural property of Tokushima prefecture. (March 21, 2000) Its exterior and interior is open to public.
This is the oldest house known of its building date in Iya region and is a very significant one as it retains the appearance of mountain village house of that time. The main building of family house was once that of the village head of Imai community built in the 11th year of Genroku (1699), which was transferred here during Tenpo period 1830 - 1844. The house has the style of “Naka-Nema-Mimadori” and is regarded as rather large private house in this region. The roof of house was rethatched in 2007. (Designated as a National significant cultural heritage)
This private little house, built by the local methods which was popular and then further prospered in the Iya region, shows its characteristic of a little house. Such a house rarely remains today. It was built during Tenpo period (1830-1844) and consists of just one room, garden and front space. The outside plastered wall is covered and protected by split bamboos (called Hishagidake) and the way they placed lavatory room in the middle of front are very characteristic features. This house was originally standing in village of former Higashi-Iyayamamura Kurishido, but was transfered to Sugeoi village in Higashi-Iyayamason in August 1983 and restored to the former state. The photograph here is from that time. (Designated as a National significant cultural heritage) ※The tour is only for the exterior. I can't go inside.
The residence belongs to the descendant of the retainer of General Masashige Kusunoki, who lived in Northern and Southern Courts era. There conveyed, to this day, the character of a house of the awa mountain warriors, who survived the turbulent times thanks to the natural fortress and their carefully considered tactics. (Please note that the residence is not open to the public as it is a private house.)
Description from Jifuku-Jizo (A stone statue of Jizo) Kunimori Taira, the second son of Norimori Taira took the road to Iya to escape and lay the young Emperor Antoku after losing the battle at Yashima between the Genji Clan and the Heike Clan in the 3rd year of Juei Era (1180). The fleeting party stayed the night at the Jifuku-Ji (Temple) in Ikawaya and the party of 36 departed next day. They left a pair of red and white flags there, which were discovered in Showa Period (1926-1988). The Asa family in Iya also has a red flag in exact same size. The white flag of Genji Clan displayed next to that of Heike could go back to the Nanbokucho Era (North and South Imperial Court Era) and if that is the case, this red flag may also belong to the same era. Nonetheless, they were both relics of the battle at the Yashima and those flags being displayed next to each other now symbolize the unity of peace.
Nagaya-mon here meaning “gate-house” stands on the Horagusa-Daichi (plateau) looking down the suburbs of Miyoshi City and also Yoshino river. It was built about 230 years ago. The gate-house 22 meters wide (from east to west) by 4.5 meters long has the thatched roof, white-washed wall. It has stockroom, watch room, guard room, bedroom and barn. The expansive gate-house signified the great power which those village officials held in the era of feudal clan ruling.
This temple was founded about 1,200 years ago (Daidou Era 806-810) and the “Sei-Kannon-Ritsuzo” (the carved wooden statue of sacred *kannon-the Goddess of Mercy) is enshrined here and is designated as a National Cultural Heritage. The statue is carved out of one piece of wood, which goes back to Fujiwara Era . She has stout body, short neck, big hair style called “Takara-Gami” and square-built figure, which resembles classic style in appearance. Once a year on 29th January at the temple festival, they allow the public viewing of the Kannon image, whose face is very serene. It is also known that here stands the tomb of Nagayoshi Miyoshi, the descendant of Nagakiyo Ogasawara who strengthened their power base to rule Awa region.
Furumiya shrine enshrines the Princess Karauta. The legend says that Princess karauta fell in love with the first imperial prince (Ichinomiya-Takayoshi-Shinnou ) of Emperor Godaigo, but died soon after giving birth to a baby in Iya. Later, she came to be worshiped as the Deity for easy and safe delivery and there are many visitors paying homage at a shrine.Every year on the 2nd Sunday in September, the Furumiya shrine festival is held from around noon.
Located in Ohtomine at an altitude of 400 meters, this shrine is for the protector god of Emperor Ninken. This god provides healing for insanity or demon-possession, and people also visit to pray for an abundant harvest or safe sea travel. Many people visit this shrine, even from outside the prefecture.
Jindai Odori's root is said to be a rain-making ritual more than 1100 years ago, which makes it different from other Japanese traditional rituals like "Protection against evil" or "Repelling Insects" rituals. This is designated in 1954, as an important national intangible ethnic cultural property for its brilliance and valiance.
The traditional drumming performance handed down from long ago at Hachiman Shrine of Shigesue which is said to be built in 1419 in Nishi-Iya Village. It is a prayer for the abundant to harvest of grains and to disperse devils, and is performed in the Autumn festival.